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NUK Philosophy – understanding life

Understanding Children

From birth to kindergarten.

[Translate to English (Malaysia):] Understanding Children

They have only just been born and already they are trying to tell us what they need: babies. We would like to understand what babies require right from day one. The needs of three month old infants are different to those of eight month old babies who are battling with their first tooth. Only if we examine and completely understand every stage of development can we always come up with the right solutions for babies and children. Our products build upon each other and grow with your child – from birth to kindergarten.

The best part of our work: we learn something new with every child that is born. Since our company was founded in 1956, over 50 million children have been born in Germany – and we are delighted that so many of their parents put their trust in NUK products and are still doing so.

Understanding Parents

And the everyday routine is suddenly an adventure.

[Translate to English (Malaysia):] Understanding Parents

Children turn everything on its head. And new parents have thousands of new questions. We know this and want to help parents in their new role. With products, which help children’s healthy development and make the everyday lives of mothers and fathers easier. With helpful  services. And with downloads, which provide information and entertainment for you. Do you personally have a question or a suggestion? Then PM or DM us via our Facebook and Instagram now! Your feedback is highly appreciated. 

Understanding Experts

Until they all agree.

[Translate to English (Malaysia):] Understanding Experts

From the first idea until the finished NUK product we take our time. How does this idea become the perfect solution for babies and mothers? It is midwives, paediatricians, dentists, nutritionists and, of course, parents who predominantly know all about the needs of babies and children. We use their knowledge and experience when we are devising new products and services or want to improve existing ones. Our Quality Control ensures that NUK products arrive on the baby shelfves in exactly the same high quality, for which NUK has been known for over 60 years.

Understanding Nature

The basis of the NUK brand.

[Translate to English (Malaysia):] Understanding Nature

Nature gives us the best tips and ideas for the development of our products. And we pay close attention: e.g. over 60 years ago we discovered that a mother´s nipple fits a baby´s mouth perfectly while breastfeeding – and using this as a model, we developed the first asymmetric teat. It is orthodontically-shaped, helps the development of the whole mouth and helps prevent crooked teeth and the bad positioning of the jaw. So teats and soothers calm not only babies but their parents as well.

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